Rhonda Fischer

Ronda Fischer


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Randy Kazandy, Children's book character

Randy Kazandy would be an effective, noteworthy and delightful picture book for those ages who minds and hearts are constantly receptive to imagining , fantasizing and pictorial learning experiences. The scripts lines are musical and move rhythmically in
accordance with motor skills at this young age. A story all children will love.

Lisa Walker - Editor in Chief

Brilliantly Randy Kazandy conquers the fears and inhibitions that wearing glasses might create for a child. The book ends triumphantly with the raising of the child’s self esteem as he is able to see a whole new world through his wonderful new glasses!

Beverly Spencer, MS
Southern California College of Optometry
Director of External Clinical Relations
“Excellence in Patient Care, Clinical Education and Research”


It is so refreshing to have Randy Kazandy, a character with flaws and doubts kids can relate to. With colorful graphics and musically metered prose, Randy captures the reader with an uplifting message of overcoming obstacles. Way to go Randy!

Bob Estrin- Degrees from Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, Manhattan School of Music, Indiana University. Founder/Composer, Living Piano.


A delightful, compelling story! Its moral makes parenting and childhood a little easier especially involving those with obstacles, whether big or small.

Dr Douglas Mazzuca E DO
Mazzuca Eye & Laser Centers


In rhythmic, rhyming verse, Rhonda Fischer tells the story of Randy Kazandy, a boy who needs glasses but sure doesn't want them!  Children will delight in the amusing antics of Randy as he tries to get rid of his glasses in the most peculiar ways until he finally finds the very best place for them.  A great read for students with--and without--glasses.

Mary Wegher - Master of Library Science, Gillette, WY


For many children, getting the news that “you need glasses” can be traumatizing. But adorable Randy Kazandy reminds kids (and parents) that putting on your first pair of specs is not only an adventure, it opens up a whole new world. Beautifully illustrated and wonderfully told, this book is a must-read for any child—bespectacled or not.

Jennifer Cho Salaff - Editor, Parenting OC Magazine


This sweet storybook, set to rhyming verse, would make a wonderful gift for a child who is about to visit the eye doctor for the first time, or just getting a first pair of glasses.  The storyline, though simple and easy to understand, holds a profound, positive message for children.  The illustrations are colorful and extremely pleasing to the eye – they make the story come to life!  Kim did a beautiful job! I look for Randy Kazandy to be a new favorite among children’s books. Homeschoolers will love it!

Gena Suarez - Publisher, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC


Ms. Fischer's book couldn't come at a more appropriate time with its beautifully expressed lesson about acceptance. Randy, the book's delightful main character, is sure to appeal to children's universal sense of humor and fun, while celebrating life's challenges and adventures. The message is a valuable one for everyone, but especially for kids. Simply put, I can overcome challenges and I love being me!

Sharon McCubbin - M.Ed.,NBCT
National Board Certified Teacher


Randy Kazandy is a relatable story for any young child who must meet his or her own personal challenge. This clever character exhibits many of the attributes of our very own children; Randy is creative, doubtful, quirky, and just plain funny. Children of all ages will appreciate Randy's battle with self esteem, as he tries to adapt to wearing glasses. As a former teacher of young children, I know first hand how any change, let alone appearing different, can upset a child. Randy, however, finds out that wearing glasses is unique and maybe even enviable. Illustration and rhyme are very effective tools that engage young readers and transmit the stages of Randy's acceptance of his "dreaded specs".

Roberta L. Crane - Veteran Teacher of 38 years


Randy Kazandy, Where are Your Glasses? is a fun book set in rhyming verse about a young boy who doesn’t like the idea of wearing glasses. The story not only helps children understand the importance of being able to see, helps children not be afraid of visiting the eye doctor for the first time. The fun loving red head Randy takes kids on wild ride as he tries to get rid of his glasses thinking they make him look like an alien from outer space. This wonderful and adventures story is completed by the colorful illustrations by Kim Spongaule, who brings the adorable Randy and his adventures spirit to life.

I feel parents and children will enjoy reading this adorable story with its simple, but meaningful message about the wearing glasses. Many children worry about getting glasses for the first time. They fear being called names and not being able to make friends as easily. As a child, I too had to get glasses and feared being called four eyes. In the end, I learned just like Randy that not wearing my glasses meant missing out on the world around me.

VS Grenier - Found/Editor-in-Chief
Stories for Children Magazine


Endearing and genuine, Randy Kazandy is a character that every glasses-wearing child will relate to and draw inspiration from.  His story doesnʼt hide or minimize the negative emotions that a child goes through when getting glasses for the first time.  Instead, it shows how one little boy rises above them, finding courage and joy.  

Randy will make all the children out there who donʼt wear glasses feel left out!

Michael R. Kostura - M.S., O.D.
Optometrist - Dove Canyon Optometry
Trabuco Canyon, CA

Congratulations on Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? release! I admire your commitment to writing children’s books with positive messages.. You have my best wishes for the success of Randy Kazandy’s first adventure and for those to come!

With warm regards,
Former First Lady Laura Bush

As a schoolgirl who was given glasses at age 11 (and never wore them!) I was intrigued by my young sons’ reaction to Randy Kazandy’s vision challenges. My 7 year old thought that Randy should have sunglasses for outside, with sharks on the side. He loved the artwork, especially the colorful children and animals. My three year old loved Randy’s playful side and his generosity in sharing his new glasses with the cute baby in the story. We all enjoyed playing “I spy the glasses” on each page spread. I don’t recall any of my children ever mentioning classmates or friends who wear glasses. It’s nice that Randy Kazandy can introduce them to the concept with sensitivity, humor and playfulness. Poor eyesight runs rampant in my family. I wouldn’t be surprised if one or all of my children will have to have corrected vision some day.

On a side note, when I moved away to college I finally started wearing glasses and bought my first set of contacts. It was a necessity. After moving away I realized that I couldn’t read street signs while driving. While living at home, I relied on my memory of street names and directions, not my eyesight. Maybe Randy can help little girls put their eyesight above their vanity!

Amy vK of Orange County

With catchy rhymes and adorable illustrations, Randy Kazandy, Where are Your Glasses? fills a gap in the books available to help children adjust to wearing glasses. This charming tale captures the fears these children can feel, and offers a good model for helping them gaining self-acceptance. A wonderful resource for children, parents, and health professionals.  

Peter Adler, Ph.D. - Licensed Psychologist
Author of Wyndano's Cloak

Sitting on the plane next to you I felt like I was sitting next to a famous movie star or huge celebrity. I know you are when you get to fly places for book reviews. You listened to the story about my son with turrets syndrome and were so companionate about other people’s problems. Maybe you could write a book about him. You have left a mark with me that I will never forget. Your bubbly personality is contagious. Thank you for the signed book for my son. What a wonderful plane trip it was. Everyone on that plane would have bought your book. Carry more than five next time! Good luck, I love your book and I am in my sixties. Let’s face it; we all love a good book. It doesn't matter what level it is. Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? is proof of that! I enjoyed looking for the hidden glasses! I am a very frugal person but I couldn’t whip my 20 bucks out quick enough. Keep in touch I will send you my phone number. Good Luck, see you on Oprah.
I love being me!

Joanne– up, up and away!

You are the "ULTIMATE" most interesting person that I have talked to on an airplane!!! Also, you are an uplifting, inspiring lady. I am so blessed to have met you. My life has been changed forever. I feel like I won the lottery! Thank you for the two wonderful Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? for my grandchildren. Your books are as exciting as you are as a person. You’re a great author. Please bring more Randy Kazandy books to our children. A Fan Forever  

Darlene F. - Attorney and Grandmother

I had the pleasure of reading the new children’s book Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? by Rhonda Fischer. I love stories that touch you in a way that makes you look into yourself. I must say that this children’s book is one of my favorites so far. I sat down my boys and we read the book together. The art work was phenomenal; it caught my children’s attention immediately and all I heard was, “That is so cute. Look at that!” The story of Randy Kazandy is about a boy named Randy who has a hard time seeing; he walks in circles and falls down when he plays, so his mom takes him to see Dr. Bee, an eye doctor. Low and behold, Randy needs glasses. This is where the adventure begins. The problem is not that Randy needs glasses, but that he doesn’t want to wear them. He tries everything to either hide them or get rid of them. Luckily, his mother has several extra pairs available, just in case.

The story is told in rhyme and is truly delightful. In each page there is a pair of glasses hidden in the picture, which took us a little bit to find in some of them. Randy reminds me a lot of my youngest son who hides things really well and all it takes is one second for your back to be turned and—it’s gone. The story made me laugh and I could relate to Randy’s adventure, having glasses myself. When I was younger I always felt silly wearing them. I didn't like the way they looked or felt on my face, but then after I got used to them, I realized that I needed them to see because without them my vision was blurred. I had to accept wearing glasses before anybody else could. If people were truly my friends then they would accept my new look. Building confidence and believing in yourself is something that takes time. Randy had to accept his new look and know that inside he didn't change, but on the outside his glasses expressed more of his true personality. He was a young, lively child, full of heart and wonder. Appearance is not the most important part of life, it is the depths of our souls that tell us who we really are and that is what people love about us. Rhonda does a wonderful job creating a story that children can understand and relate to. The message that it departs is that it is okay to wear glasses. When Randy saw that his dad wore glasses too, it made him feel accepted and proud to be able to emulate his father and be just like him. Randy needed to realize that it didn't matter what people thought or that he looked a little different. It is more important to be able to see instead of missing out of life’s many adventures because you can't see. The great part about glasses is that you can choose the style that fits you and your face the best. You can choose any color that is fun and will make you happy, and that is what Randy gets to do. He gets to make these glasses his own because they are apart of him and how special and fun is that? Two thumbs up!!!

Renee Hand - Author: Crypto-Capers Series



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