Vision - The one thing that rules

Glasses come in all different sizes and shapes.
There are even some that are fit for apes.

Most glasses are new, but even when they’re old,
you’ll get a better view!

Vision is what matters;
you should pick a pair that never shatters.

When you get glasses,
don’t complain like my friend Mandy Elain.

- Diana Bank(9 years old)

"With all my love. This poem is dedicated to Randy Kazandy and the author who wrote the book, Rhonda Fischer"

Some people wear glasses
Some people donʼt
Some people should do,
Some people wonʼt
Some people look different
Some people look cool
So if you get teased
Donʼt think youʼre a fool.
Glasses help your eyes to see.
They can help you
If they can help me.

- Anna

Glasses round, glasses old.
Glasses pink, glasses gold.
You need to wear them
Or, it would be a problem.
So, you either hate ʽem
Or you love ʽem.

- Mia and Elise

I wear glasses ,
Thin and gold.
I look good in them,
So Iʼve been told.

I wear them by day,
But not at night,
No one has teased me,
So, I donʼt have to fight.

I need them to see,
And not to hear,
They have a bit
Behind each ear.

The end of my tale,
I hope you enjoyed.
Glasses are something
You shouldnʼt avoid.

- Ailish




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